
The Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest has been designed with the intention of delivering an immersive experience to players with a feel of a murder mystery, escape room, or other role playing games all rolled into an armchair treasure hunt inspired by The Secret, Sur la trace de la chouette d’or (The Golden Owl), Masquerade, and other great armchair treasure hunts.

Players will join the Treasure Quest playing the role of a treasure hunter who has stumbled across an encoded message. Solving this first clue and the many that follow will lead players on an epic quest in search of a grand treasure!


Treasure Quest #1

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The Prize


Crafted by Michael Kelly of OutpostWorkshop.co.uk

For the lucky player who is the first to solve all of the puzzles and locate the final point of the game a great treasure will be theirs to claim.

A one of a kind golden brass token measuring 90mm diameter, 7.5mm thick, and weighing 300g crafted in the United Kingdom by Michael Kelly of OutpostWorkshop.co.uk [valued at approximately £300+]

The Token will be presented and received in a handcrafted wooden chest measuring 126mm tall, 156mm deep, 200mm wide crafted in Turkey by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave. The chest has been customized with a blue satin inlay hiding a stand to display the token in as well as a custom hand made decorative key crafted by Areas Grey specifically for the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest. [Valued at approximately £150+]


Brown leather vintage style journal created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys and customized by Areas Grey.


Decorative Handcrafted Chest created by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave and customised by Areas Grey shown containing the Deadman’s Tale Token in hidden display stand.

Additionally, the winner of the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest will also be awarded a certificate of authenticity from Areas Grey validating their claim to the treasure.

And that’s not all, the winner will also receive the brown vintage leather bound journal with old fashioned deckle edge paper used for the Deadman’s Tale puzzle book (pages inside are blank – puzzles were generated digitally for accuracy of the treasure hunt). Created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys. This journal has been made into a one of a kind with the embossed Areas Grey logo on the front cover. [Valued at £50+]

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How To Win

Welcome to the immersive experience of Areas Grey’s Treasure Quests. This is the first of the Treasure Quests where you can help track down a long lost treasure starting with the cryptic document sent to you from a fellow treasure hunter. This document is a teaser clue that when decoded will provide vital details for you to continue your journey and claim the prize at the end of the quest.

Beware, while this Treasure Quest is almost entirely an armchair treasure hunt, meaning that it can be solved from home. The last stage of the Treasure Quest will require BOTG (Boots On The Ground). Everything up until the last stage of this quest can be solved from home with the use of general tools people have available to them e.g. the internet.


Treasure Quest #1


You or your team must first make a one-time purchase for an Access Pass from Areas Grey in order to participate in the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest. The link to make your purchase and begin your quest can be found below.


Once you’ve made your Access Pass purchase you’ll soon receive a confirmation email confirming your access to a private Facebook group and Discord server exclusive to Deadman’s Tale members. You’ll also receive a link for where to begin your quest!


A printed version of the first clue of Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest


With the power of a digital flip book players can flip through the narrative and discover the puzzles with ease


You’ll have to get creative with this first clue if you want to succeed! But, it’s essential to continue your journey onto the next stage. By solving the first clue you’ll be able to decode the password that will grant you access to the next stage of the game.


When you solve your first clue, you’ll be able to move onto the next stage. A collection of puzzles and clues await you provided you’re wise enough to solve them. It will be up to you how you proceed with these puzzles but you’ll need to solve all of them to claim the prize. Don’t worry, the clues have been created with varying levels of difficulty to entertain all levels of players and keep the game moving and prevent you from getting stuck.


All of the puzzles in the game are solvable from the comfort of your own home, provided you have a computer and an internet connection. If you are clever enough to solve all of the puzzles you’ll find a very precise place in the United Kingdom has been revealed.

However, to finish the game you or a member of your team will need to go Boots On The Ground to find the final resting place of the Deadman’s Tale treasure and win the prizes (Token, chest, leather journal, and certificate of authenticity). As a reward for seeing the game through to completion you’ll also be awarded a cash prize made up of 20% of sales from the game.

Good luck Treasure Hunters!


You’ll have to be brave to find the treasure and end the game but those who dare, win.

Are you up to the challenge?

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Begin Your Quest

It’ll take imagination, creativity and you’ll have to get crafty to make it anywhere in this hunt. Do you have what it takes to solve the clues and claim the prize?

If so, use the link below to get your access pass and begin your quest for the Deadman’s Tale treasure.

Access Pass

Purchase your Access Pass using the link below to begin your journey on this epic Treasure Quest.

Access Pass

Purchase your Access Pass using the link below to begin your journey on this epic Treasure Quest.

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Below you will find more information about how Treasure Quests work. If you don’t find the answers you seek below then feel free to get in touch using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

The prize of the Treasure Quest is a collection of unique one of a kind handcrafted items unique to the Treasure Quest experience. For example, in the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest the first person to solve all of the clues and find the final point of the game will be awarded with: 

  • A one of a kind golden brass token created in the United Kingdom by Michael Kelly of OutpostWorkshop.co.uk
  • A handcrafted treasure chest made in Turkey by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave. The chest is customised with satin inlay and hidden display stand to show off the token.
  • A certificate of authenticity, certifying the winner’s claim to the prize.
  • The brown leather vintage journal used for the Deadman’s Tale puzzles and narrative, created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys and customised with an embossed Areas Grey Logo.
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Treasure Quest Rules

To take part in Treasure Quests you must follow the Code of Conduct as well as the terms set below in order to partake and be eligible to claim right to the treasure if you are to find it. If you are found to have been in violation of any of these rules or terms and conditions of the Treasure Quests you will be forfeiting your prize.

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Feel free to get in touch using the form below if you have any questions about this Treasure Quest.

Please be aware that no further clues or assistance in solving the puzzles will be provided by using this form. Please only use this form to contact Areas Grey if you have any further questions that cannot be answered with the FAQ or information above.


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*By using this form you are agreeing to the terms of the Privacy Policy

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  • I am a Man of Fortune, and I must seek my Fortune.

    – Henry Avery, 1694

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