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The Clock Without A Face – An Armchair Treasure Hunt


An Armchair Treasure Hunt


Front cover art for The Clock Without A Face armchair treasure hunt book.

What does a cursed clock, twelve jeweled numbers hidden across the United States, and a puzzle book all have in common? They are all a part of the very same 2010 armchair treasure hunt book called The Clock Without a Face, written by Eli Horowitz and Mac Barnett with illustrations by Scott Teplin.

The basic plot of the book revolves around the theft of twelve jeweled numbers from the face of “the Emerald Khroniker”: a cursed clock that adorned a multi-floor apartment building. Clues to the thief’s identity and the whereabouts of the numbers are sprinkled throughout the text and in the accompanying pictures.

By the end of the book the identity of the thief is finally revealed, however, the location of the clock’s missing numbers is not and readers were therefore encouraged to solve the clues found throughout the book and use these clues to search for the numbers in the real world.

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The Legend

The Clock Without a Face has been described as “a treasure hunt, that is bright, with detailed illustrations that are fun to sift through and have an almost endless potential for clues, but the final solutions are ambiguous and unsatisfying.” There is a lot to unpack from this hunt so let’s start with a little more of a broader outline of the book.

The puzzle takes place with a couple of narrators, a detective named Roy Dodge and his assistant Gus Twintig. The detectives have been summoned to interview the dozen residents of the apartment building at 23 Glyph Street and investigate the theft of the 12 emerald-encrusted numbers from The Emerald Khroniker, the cursed clock that is on top of the building.

Front and back covers of the fun shaped puzzle book.

Fun shaped inside pages of the Clock Without A Face puzzle book.

As you proceed through the book, floor by floor, you, the reader, are supposed to pick up clues that lead to the real life buried numbers. Each two page spread has a part of the story on one side, and a cutaway image showing the current floor and apartment on the other.

The drawings are intricate and are very well done with lots of detail that can be used to help solve the puzzle!

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The Treasure

Each of the twelve numbers that were hidden around the country were handcrafted by the New York jewelry designer Anna Sheffield and each was made with real emeralds on a solid backing. Each of the numbers had a different implied backstory.

One was purported to be from the quiet halls of a Tibetan monastery, one was said to be lifted from the buckle of an unknown pirate’s shoe. Yet another was allegedly made from the bottle of a Venetian glass blower.

All 12 numbers from the cursed clock – the prizes for The Clock Without A Face treasure hunt.

No value was ever placed on the numbers by either the designer or the authors, instead the true value was how rare each number was, as well as the story of how each was found.

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The Clues

There were two main components of the book that the reader was tasked with ‘finding’. The first, or as many have said, the easy part are the missing objects from each floor. The residents of each of the floors 1 through 12 claim to have been robbed by a pair of men dressed as gorillas and each of them has had a special object stolen from their floor. These objects were actually hidden on one of the other floor images. Finding the hidden objects was not part of the actual treasure hunt and it did not lead you to any of the buried treasure, but it was a lot of fun, almost like a mini treasure hunt inside a bigger treasure hunt.

Part two of the puzzle book was where the real world treasure hunt began. For this part there were two important clues that helped determine the nature of the puzzle, the most important being the Fifth floor image. In this image there is a meta-copy of the Clock Without a Face book on the kitchen table and in the text that accompanies this image, the two ladies whose apartment it is say that they’ve got the state and the mile, but can’t figure out the highway. This was the key to solving the whole puzzle.

Sample puzzle page from The Clock Without A Face.

Close up of a puzzle page from The Clock Without A Face puzzle book.

Every page of the book contained three hidden pieces of information, one, a US state, two, a number for an Interstate Highway, and three, a distance in miles along that highway. Finding these three hidden pieces of information on each page was tough and laborious. Some of them were easy, while some of them were so cryptic that working them out whilst knowing the answer was impossible.

The second clue needed to solve the puzzle was drawn on the blackboard on the Floor 1 image. The tree in the picture has the pentagonal outline of the Clock Without a Face book drawn on it, and an object buried in the ground beneath it. This was a clue that, in the real world, metal plaques were placed on trees at the location of each buried number, and this meant that treasure-seekers didn’t need to dig up an entire Interstate rest-stop to find the prize.

Some of the locations that numbers were found include Floor 11, this level leads players to the hidden number 3 that was found at the rest stop 89 miles along I-90 in Washington State. Floor 8 led players to the number 10 hidden 10 miles along I-95 in Connecticut, other floors led to I-80 in Indiana, I-76 in Ohio, and I-5 in California.

Another close up of a puzzle page from The Clock Without A Face.

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Buried treasure found as part of the treasure hunt in the book The Clock Without a Face.

The Clock Without a Face was a successful armchair treasure hunt, however, some of the puzzles even now have not been completely solved. Ultimately it took almost two years of solving and searching with many different people for all of the twelve missing numbers to be found. The Clock Without a Face was written in a time before some of the big treasure hunting forums like and Mysterious Writings, and the prizes, though numerous were not substantial and because all the numbers were found, the book never took on the cult-like status of Masquerade or the Secret.

Eli Horowitz and Mac Barnett unfortunately did not collaborate on any other treasure hunts, however, they did both go on to accomplish other things. Eli became the co-creator of both the podcast and television series Homecoming as well as many other projects. Max Barnett went on to create many successful children’s books such as The Terrible Two series and Mac Barnett Kid Spy series, and Scott Teplin has also continued to illustrate and create many amazing pieces of art, much of which feature very similar artwork to that in The Clock Without a Face such as the book Alphabet City.

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Written By

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Guest Writer

Robert, a guest writer for Areas Grey, has had treasure hunting coursing through his veins from a young age. A fascination with pirates, shipwrecks and lost treasures inspired him to study Marine Archaeology at QUT, working aboard cruise ships many years, then creating and hosting Live from the CodeBar: a podcast about treasure hunting.

Robert is also a member of Fourtune; the most successful armchair treasure hunting team to date which have solved: ‘The Lost Skull’, ‘It’s In LA’, ‘The Letters of St Germain’, ‘Hidden Treasures Treasure Hunt’, and more recently ‘The Bossall Treasure’ which had gone unsolved for almost 10 years!

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CodeBar Podcast

Join Robert, host of the CodeBar Live podcast and journey into the greatest treasure legends, armchair treasure hunts, codes, ciphers, puzzles, escape rooms, ARG’s, puzzle boxes & more!

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Whether you’re looking for someone to help with a treasure hunt, if you’ve got a story to tell, some vital information to share, feedback for Areas Grey, or if you just want to say “hi”, all emails are welcome!


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  • “The Clock Without a Face is the realization of every (inner) child’s wildest dreams: a full color, illustrated mystery book packed full of clues that lead to real treasure.”

    – Bonnie Chan, Flavorpill, 2010

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Treasure Quest: Deadman’s Tale


The Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest has been designed with the intention of delivering an immersive experience to players with a feel of a murder mystery, escape room, or other role playing games all rolled into an armchair treasure hunt inspired by The Secret, Sur la trace de la chouette d’or (The Golden Owl), Masquerade, and other great armchair treasure hunts.

Players will join the Treasure Quest playing the role of a treasure hunter who has stumbled across an encoded message. Solving this first clue and the many that follow will lead players on an epic quest in search of a grand treasure!


Treasure Quest #1

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The Prize


Crafted by Michael Kelly of

For the lucky player who is the first to solve all of the puzzles and locate the final point of the game a great treasure will be theirs to claim.

A one of a kind golden brass token measuring 90mm diameter, 7.5mm thick, and weighing 300g crafted in the United Kingdom by Michael Kelly of [valued at approximately £300+]

The Token will be presented and received in a handcrafted wooden chest measuring 126mm tall, 156mm deep, 200mm wide crafted in Turkey by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave. The chest has been customized with a blue satin inlay hiding a stand to display the token in as well as a custom hand made decorative key crafted by Areas Grey specifically for the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest. [Valued at approximately £150+]


Brown leather vintage style journal created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys and customized by Areas Grey.


Decorative Handcrafted Chest created by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave and customised by Areas Grey shown containing the Deadman’s Tale Token in hidden display stand.

Additionally, the winner of the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest will also be awarded a certificate of authenticity from Areas Grey validating their claim to the treasure.

And that’s not all, the winner will also receive the brown vintage leather bound journal with old fashioned deckle edge paper used for the Deadman’s Tale puzzle book (pages inside are blank – puzzles were generated digitally for accuracy of the treasure hunt). Created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys. This journal has been made into a one of a kind with the embossed Areas Grey logo on the front cover. [Valued at £50+]

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How To Win

Welcome to the immersive experience of Areas Grey’s Treasure Quests. This is the first of the Treasure Quests where you can help track down a long lost treasure starting with the cryptic document sent to you from a fellow treasure hunter. This document is a teaser clue that when decoded will provide vital details for you to continue your journey and claim the prize at the end of the quest.

Beware, while this Treasure Quest is almost entirely an armchair treasure hunt, meaning that it can be solved from home. The last stage of the Treasure Quest will require BOTG (Boots On The Ground). Everything up until the last stage of this quest can be solved from home with the use of general tools people have available to them e.g. the internet.


Treasure Quest #1


You or your team must first make a one-time purchase for an Access Pass from Areas Grey in order to participate in the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest. The link to make your purchase and begin your quest can be found below.


Once you’ve made your Access Pass purchase you’ll soon receive a confirmation email confirming your access to a private Facebook group and Discord server exclusive to Deadman’s Tale members. You’ll also receive a link for where to begin your quest!


A printed version of the first clue of Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest


With the power of a digital flip book players can flip through the narrative and discover the puzzles with ease


You’ll have to get creative with this first clue if you want to succeed! But, it’s essential to continue your journey onto the next stage. By solving the first clue you’ll be able to decode the password that will grant you access to the next stage of the game.


When you solve your first clue, you’ll be able to move onto the next stage. A collection of puzzles and clues await you provided you’re wise enough to solve them. It will be up to you how you proceed with these puzzles but you’ll need to solve all of them to claim the prize. Don’t worry, the clues have been created with varying levels of difficulty to entertain all levels of players and keep the game moving and prevent you from getting stuck.


All of the puzzles in the game are solvable from the comfort of your own home, provided you have a computer and an internet connection. If you are clever enough to solve all of the puzzles you’ll find a very precise place in the United Kingdom has been revealed.

However, to finish the game you or a member of your team will need to go Boots On The Ground to find the final resting place of the Deadman’s Tale treasure and win the prizes (Token, chest, leather journal, and certificate of authenticity). As a reward for seeing the game through to completion you’ll also be awarded a cash prize made up of 20% of sales from the game.

Good luck Treasure Hunters!


You’ll have to be brave to find the treasure and end the game but those who dare, win.

Are you up to the challenge?

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Begin Your Quest

It’ll take imagination, creativity and you’ll have to get crafty to make it anywhere in this hunt. Do you have what it takes to solve the clues and claim the prize?

If so, use the link below to get your access pass and begin your quest for the Deadman’s Tale treasure.

Access Pass

Purchase your Access Pass using the link below to begin your journey on this epic Treasure Quest.

Access Pass

Purchase your Access Pass using the link below to begin your journey on this epic Treasure Quest.

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Below you will find more information about how Treasure Quests work. If you don’t find the answers you seek below then feel free to get in touch using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

The prize of the Treasure Quest is a collection of unique one of a kind handcrafted items unique to the Treasure Quest experience. For example, in the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest the first person to solve all of the clues and find the final point of the game will be awarded with: 

  • A one of a kind golden brass token created in the United Kingdom by Michael Kelly of
  • A handcrafted treasure chest made in Turkey by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave. The chest is customised with satin inlay and hidden display stand to show off the token.
  • A certificate of authenticity, certifying the winner’s claim to the prize.
  • The brown leather vintage journal used for the Deadman’s Tale puzzles and narrative, created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys and customised with an embossed Areas Grey Logo.
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Treasure Quest Rules

To take part in Treasure Quests you must follow the Code of Conduct as well as the terms set below in order to partake and be eligible to claim right to the treasure if you are to find it. If you are found to have been in violation of any of these rules or terms and conditions of the Treasure Quests you will be forfeiting your prize.

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Feel free to get in touch using the form below if you have any questions about this Treasure Quest.

Please be aware that no further clues or assistance in solving the puzzles will be provided by using this form. Please only use this form to contact Areas Grey if you have any further questions that cannot be answered with the FAQ or information above.


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  • I am a Man of Fortune, and I must seek my Fortune.

    – Henry Avery, 1694

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THE BOSSALL TREASURE – An Armchair Treasure Hunt


An Armchair Treasure Hunt


In January 2014 Douglas George Pearson published an armchair treasure hunt book titled ‘The Bossall Treasure’. Unlike most armchair treasure hunt books this book was centred around Pearson’s own family history and their connection to a real life treasure of the Knights Templar!

The exciting real life story of Peason’s ancestors is complemented by the armchair treasure hunt scattered throughout the pages. Cryptic images which would lead a worthy treasure hunter to a precise location somewhere in England where Pearson had buried an ornate gold plated Lorraine cross.

After almost 10 years the Croix de Lorraine remained hidden despite the efforts of many armchair treasure hunt enthusiasts. That was until September 2021 when the clues were finally solved and the treasure was found!

The Front Cover for The Bossall Treasure Treasure Hunt Book.

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The Legend

A Picture of Bossall Hall, home of the Belt family.

While researching his family history Douglas Pearson was inspired to write The Bossall Treasure when he discovered that a distant relative, John Pearson who was the steward to Sir Robert Belt in the 1600’s was directly connected to a real life treasure legend which could be traced all the way back to the Knights Templar. The story of The Bossall Treasure is a rollercoaster and has everything from power plays, deceitful acts, murder, ambitious characters who will stop at nothing, political and religious differences and closely guarded family secrets.

The tale follows the Pearson family through the generations, their quest for justice after being denied the status of gentry which they firmly believed they deserved, and their connection to this treasure of the Knights Templar and covers its connection to the Freemasons and many historically significant characters such as Sir Robert Belt and the Belt family.

Other characters included in the story are Jaques de Morley the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Elias Ashmole, a man who stopped at nothing and who’s enduring legacy is the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford, Darley’s of Buttercrambe, well known members of the horse racing fraternity, the Read family of Sand Hutton, the Bawtry family, Charles I and Charles II.

This isn’t just a well researched and well written story you could read over and over for entertainment, it is also a book filled with clues leading people to find a gold Lorraine cross buried somewhere in England.

Engraving of Lytham St Annes with the famous windmill landmark from the 19th century.

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The Treasure

The Lorraine Cross As Depicted In The Prize Page Of The Bossall Treasure Book.

While the Pearson legacy revolves around a real life treasure legend in which the ancestor John Pearson while working as the steward to Sir Robert Belt, Lord of the Manor of Bossall Hall near York during the civil war in the mid 1600’s conspired with Sir Robert Belt to hide a hoard of gold and silver plat in the moat surrounding Bossall Hall. It is said that later John Pearson returned to the moat and stole the treasures from the moat.

The prize of The Bossall Treasure armchair treasure hunt is a gold plated bronze Lorraine cross encrusted with jewels measuring approximately 75mm x 55mm. While the treasure may not be worth thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions like some of the more well known armchair treasure hunts like the Thrill of the Chase this treasure will surely be a symbol of achievement and a conversation piece for whoever does find it for they will have solved a treasure hunt that has gone unsolved for almost a decade!

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The Clues

The Bossall Treasure book is 297 pages detailing the historical story of Pearson’s family history and their connection with a treasure legend. Tucked away in the eleven chapters of the book are 11 clues and puzzles which when solved would point someone directly to the location of a gold plated Lorraine cross which Pearson buried somewhere in England.

The puzzles & clues range in difficulty and complexity with some requiring some serious thought, but Pearson found a way to keep the puzzles engaging and challenging enough that you could spend days working on them and not give up out of frustration.

Pearson spent three years creating the book and the puzzles. With no one to test the clues on, Pearson needed to spend hours looking at other types of puzzles, brain teasers and even the solutions to Kit Williams’ treasure hunt Masquerade in order to gauge the difficulty levels of the clues.

Artwork for one of the puzzles of the Bossall Treasure hunt book.

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The Golden Lorraine Cross, Prize Of The Bossall Treasure Hunt.

In 2020 The Bossall Treasure’s official website was shut down and Pearson had begun working on other projects. This didn’t deter some of the treasure seekers who had been on the case of the Bossall Treasure since it began in 2014 and rightfully so. Pearson was still accepting emails with proposed solutions for the treasure hunt.

Over seven years had passed and no one was close to solving the mystery of the Bossall Treasure hunt. That was until September 2021 when a small team of plucky treasure hunters including Lisa Finch, Robert Jenner, Nick Spera, and yours truly, finally cracked the Bossall Treasure after collectively trying for years.

Sadly, while writing this post I was informed that Douglas G Pearson had passed away.

Douglas G Pearson made a huge impact on our lives, his book The Bossall Treasure is what brought our little team together, making friends for life. He gave us an adventure, a treasure, a story to tell, but most of all ignited the imagination and inspired not just us but countless others to challenge ourselves and dare to dream.

He will be sorely missed, but never forgotten by the community he touched with his creativity.

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Written By

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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CodeBar Podcast

Join Robert, host of the CodeBar Live podcast and journey into the greatest treasure legends, armchair treasure hunts, codes, ciphers, puzzles, escape rooms, ARG’s, puzzle boxes & more!

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  • “The discovery served to confirm a long-existing tradition, that the money and rich plate had been hidden by our ancestor Sir Robert Belt, during the Civil War, in that part of the pleasure ground.”

    – William John Belt, 1779

Treasure Quests


Are You Up To The Challenge?


Are You Up To The Challenge?

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Treasure Quests

Treasure Hunts designed by Areas Grey give you a chance to find valuable treasures. It will be no easy task but if you can solve the clues your prize will be worth your efforts.

Are you up to the challenge?

I. Gain Access

Obtain your own personal Access Pass from the the Treasure Quest page.

III. Find The Treasure!

Go to the Treasure’s hiding place and claim your prize!

II. Decrypt The Clues

Solve the riddles and crack the codes to uncover the secrets

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Treasure Quests

Treasure Hunts designed by Areas Grey give you a chance to find valuable treasures. It will be no easy task but if you can solve the clues your prize will be worth your efforts.

Are you up to the challenge?

I. Gain Access

Obtain your own personal Access Pass from the Treasure Quest page.

III. Find The Treasure!

go to the Treasures hiding place and claim your prize!

II. Decrypt The Clues

Solve the riddles and crack the codes to uncover the secrets

I. Gain Access

Obtain your own personal Access Pass from the Treasure Quest page.

II. Decrypt The Clues

Solve the riddles and crack the codes to uncover the secrets

III. Find The Treasure!

Go to the Treasure’s hiding place and claim your prize!

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What Are Treasure Quests?

The Legacy Treasure Quests are immersive treasure hunting experiences where participants play the role of a treasure hunter. Solve the clues to watch the story unfold and find the prize at the end of your journey.

The Legacy Treasure Quests are a series of immersive treasure hunting experiences where participants play the role of a treasure hunter. Solve the clues to watch the story unfold and find the prize at the end of your journey.

The series consists of 12 individual Quests which will lead to a final collective Quest like no other. In the final quest the winners from the 12 previous games will be able to team up and work together to solve a series of clues leading to a final cache of treasure hidden somewhere around the world.


Decorative Handcrafted Chest created by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave and customised by Areas Grey shown containing the Deadman’s Tale Token in hidden display stand.

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How It Works

The prize of the Treasure Quest is a collection of unique one of a kind handcrafted items unique to the Treasure Quest experience. For example, in the Deadman’s Tale Treasure Quest the first person to solve all of the clues and find the final point of the game will be awarded with: 

  • A one of a kind golden brass token created in the United Kingdom by Michael Kelly of
  • A handcrafted treasure chest made in Turkey by Koray Koral of I Carve You Crave. The chest is customised with satin inlay and hidden display stand to show off the token.
  • A certificate of authenticity, certifying the winner’s claim to the prize.
  • The brown leather vintage journal used for the Deadman’s Tale puzzles and narrative, created by Wanderings Journals and Journeys and customised with an embossed Areas Grey Logo.
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All Quests


    Treasure Quest #1


    A fellow treasure hunter has reached out to you looking for help deciphering a puzzling document that’s been found in an old library. Help decipher the document and solve the puzzles that follow within a mysterious journal to find yourself taken on an adventure. At the end of this quest, a real and valuable one of a kind treasure awaits. Will you be the one to claim it?


    Treasure Quest #1

    A fellow treasure hunter has reached out to you looking for help deciphering a puzzling document that’s been found in an old library. Help decipher the document and solve the puzzles that follow within a mysterious journal to find yourself taken on an adventure. At the end of this quest, a real and valuable one of a kind treasure awaits. Will you be the one to claim it?

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Treasure Quest Rules

To take part in Treasure Quests you must follow the Code of Conduct as well as the terms set below in order to partake and be eligible to claim right to the treasure if you are to find it. If you are found to have been in violation of any of these rules or terms and conditions of the Treasure Quests you will be forfeiting your prize.

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  • Damn ye altogether: damn them for a pack of crafty rascals, and you, who serve them, for a parcel of hen-hearted numbskulls. They vilify us, the scoundrels do, when there is only this difference, they rob the poor under the cover of law, forsooth, and we plunder the rich under protection of our own courage; had you not better make one of us, than sneak after the asses of those villains for employment?

    – ‘Black Sam’ Bellamy, 1716

Open post

The Secret: A Treasure Hunt


A Treasure Hunt


The Secret is a treasure hunt started by Byron Preiss in 1982. Twelve treasure boxes were buried at secret locations across North America. As of August 2020 only three of the twelve boxes have been found.

Each of the twelve boxes contains a casque which holds a key. Once retrieved the keys can be exchanged for a valuable stone. Collectively the stones are said to be worth approximately ten thousand dollars.

The Secret treasure book cover by Byron Preiss

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The Legend

The Secret: An Armchair Treasure Hunt tells a story of “Fair People”, enchanted mystical and fantastical creatures.

Inspired by the hit armchair treasure hunt book Masquerade which took the world by storm in 1979, Byron Preiss decided to create his own armchair treasure hunt with not one, but 12 prizes hidden across the United States and Canada.

The Secret: An Armchair Treasure Hunt was launched in 1982 complete with a story of fairies, goblins, and other strange creatures travelling to the New World with their treasures. These treasures were in the form of rare stones and gems which could be collected by the lucky person to solve any of the 12 puzzles and find a hidden key and casque.

The puzzles consist of 12 images and 12 poems. Each poem must be paired with the correct image to correctly solve the puzzle. In 1983 a group of friends in Chicago found the first of the treasures, an emerald worth more than $1,000.

Years went by before another casque was found in 2004 in Cleveland. Another key had been exchanged for a precious gem. In 2005 Byron Preiss died in an accident leaving the responsibility of the game and its prizes to his family. Another casque was then found in 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts.

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The Treasure

For each cask retrieved the finder is rewarded a valuable gem or stone in exchange for the key found. The book explains the following for the value of the treasures as well as some rules around the treasure hunt:

“The jewels collectively are worth over ten thousand dollars. The treasure casques themselves are of incalculable value, never having been owned by man or woman.”

“Every treasure casque is buried underground, at a depth of no more than three to three and one-half feet. The casques are protected by lustrous transparent boxes, and are sealed.”

“The following places do not hold any treasure:

– any life-threatening location, such as a dangerous highway embankment, a contaminated area or active railway track
– any cemetery
– any public or private flower bed
– any property owned by the contributors to the book, their families or friends.”

The Cask, Key, and Gems.

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The Clues

Inside the book there are twelve cryptic images and twelve verses as seen below in the order they appear in the book.



  • Image 1

  • Verse 1:

    Fortress north
    Cold as glass
    Friendship south
    Take your task
    To the number
    Nine eight two
    Through the wood
    No lion fears
    In the sky the water veers
    Small of scale
    Step across
    Perspective should not be lost
    In the center of four alike
    Small, split,
    Three winged and slight
    What we take to be
    Our strongest tower delight
    Falls gently
    In December night
    Looking back from treasure ground
    There’s the spout!
    A whistle sounds.

  • Image 1

  • Verse 1:

    Fortress north
    Cold as glass
    Friendship south
    Take your task
    To the number
    Nine eight two
    Through the wood
    No lion fears
    In the sky the water veers
    Small of scale
    Step across
    Perspective should not be lost
    In the center of four alike
    Small, split,
    Three winged and slight
    What we take to be
    Our strongest tower delight
    Falls gently
    In December night
    Looking back from treasure ground
    There’s the spout!
    A whistle sounds.

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A dozen paintings
Share the clues
Yet Fairy secrets
Come in twos
To sing a happy treasure song
To have a casque to you belong
Wed one picture
With one verse
For Fair Folk’s peace
Goodness first.

Since 1982 when the Treasure Hunt began only three treasure casques have been found as follows:

Image 5 was matched with Verse 12 revealing the treasures location as being Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois.

A casque was found in 1983, one year after the launch of the game by pairing image 5 and  verse 12 which revealed the outline of Illinois and some iconic landmarks around Chicago with an image of a bowman and reference to “L” leading the treasure hunters to Grant Park. It was two intersecting lines of trees that pinpointed the exact spot under a unique fence design which provided confirmation.

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A casque was found in 2004, over 20 years after the Chicago find. This time the treasure hunters connected verse 4 and image 4 to find Cleveland, Ohio by seeing the shape of Ohio’s rivers in the visual. The clues eventually leading to the Greek Cultural Gardens the visual depicts the exact area to dig for the hidden treasure.

Image 4 was matched with Verse 4 revealing the treasures location as being the Greek Cultural Garden, Cleveland, Ohio.

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In 2019 a third casque was found in Boston, Massachusetts and featured on a series finale of a television series: ‘Expedition Unknown’. In the episode they pair up verse 3 and image 11 and by following the clues find themselves at the North End Baseball Field.

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So, what about the other 9 treasures hidden across North America?

Below is a table of the generally accepted pairings of verses and images along with the cities the treasures are suspected to be buried.

Image No. Verse No. Status Likely Location
1 7 Unsolved San Francisco, California
2 6 Unsolved Charleston, South Carolina
3 11 Unsolved Roanoke Island, North Carolina
4 4 Solved Cleveland, Ohio
5 12 Solved Chicago, Illinois
6 9 Unsolved St. Augustine, Florida
7 2 Unsolved New Orleans, Louisiana
8 1 Unsolved Houston, Texas
9 5 Unsolved Montreal, Canada
10 8 Unsolved Milwaukee, Wisconsin
11 3 Solved Boston, Massachusetts
12 10 Unsolved New York, New York
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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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CodeBar Podcast

Join Robert, host of the CodeBar Live podcast and journey into the greatest treasure legends, armchair treasure hunts, codes, ciphers, puzzles, escape rooms, ARG’s, puzzle boxes & more!

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  • “The jewels collectively are worth over ten thousand dollars. The treasure casques themselves are of incalculable value, never having been owned by man or woman.”

    – Byron Preiss, 1982

Open post

On the Trail of the Golden Owl


Sur La Trace De La Chouette D’or


In 1993 a book called ‘Sur La Trace de La Chouette d’Or’ (On The Trail Of The Golden Owl) was published launching an armchair treasure hunt created by Régis Hauser under the pseudonym “Max Valentin” a communications expert who created the riddles and Michel Becker the artist who created the visuals and provided the prize of the treasure hunt – A solid gold and silver owl with diamonds on it’s head, estimated to be worth between 150,000 and 500,000 Euros.

The book contained 11 puzzles which remain officially unsolved. Once solved the clues are to lead the treasure hunters to a bronze replica of the golden owl buried somewhere in France. Régis Hauser died in 2009. Now the treasure hunt is in the hands of the artist Michel Becker.

front cover of the French treasure-hunt book ‘Sur La Trace De La Chouette D’Or’ (On The Trail Of The Golden Owl)

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The Legend

Image of the iron bird found where the bronze owl countermark should have been when Becker went to check the solutions in 2021.

In 1993 an armchair treasure hunt book was published in France entitled Sur la trace de la Chouette d’or (On the trail of the golden owl) offering a prize of a Golden Owl statuette made entirely of gold and silver, encrusted with diamonds estimated to be worth over 150,000 euros to the first person to solve the clues and find the bronze owl countermark.

The original book contained eleven double-page spread riddles composed of a title, text, and a painting. Each painting was created by the artist Michel Becker while the game itself was created by communications expert Régis Hauser under the pseudonym “Max Valentin” who spent 450 hours designing the game between 1970 and 1993 when the book was launched.

Additional clues were created and released after the launch of the book in the form of short riddles or plays on words and when solved would act as confirmers of if a treasure hunter was on the right track or not.

The treasure hunt has seen a lot of controversy over the years since its launch in 1993. When “Max Valentin” died in 2009 he left the solutions inside a sealed envelope as to preserve them. However, in 2004, the original publisher of the book went bankrupt, and the Golden Owl statuette was seized as a part of its liquidation. After a long legal battle, the prize was reclaimed for the game in 2008.

Michel Becker, the co-creator of the hunt then claimed sole ownership of the Golden Owl in 2011 with intentions to sell it. More legal battles followed in order to stop this from happening. Thanks to a treasure hunter association known as A2CO the game and its prize were saved and continues to this day.

In 2019 Becker rejuvenated the game with the launch of a new edition of the puzzle book called The Secret Notebooks which tells Michel Becker’s side of the story, the history of the game and the creation of the prize. It also contained notes given to him by Valentin for the creation of the paintings, offering insight to the players for how the puzzles were created.

In 2021 Becker became the official organiser of the game when he obtained the sealed envelope containing the solutions from the Hauser family. After which he ventured with a Bailiff to confirm the bronze owl’s burial from the solutions. He reported when he dug at the spot, he found the owl missing and instead found a rusty iron bird. He replaced this rusty bird with a new bronze owl so that the treasure hunt could continue.

Front cover of the new edition of the puzzle book: On the Trail of the Golden Owl – Under the seal of secrecy released by Becker in August 2022.

In August 2022 another new edition of the book was released titled On the Trail of the Golden Owl – Under the seal of secrecy. Containing the original eleven clues, the additional clues, notes from Hauser to Becker and some more history from Becker about the creation of the game and his takeover of the game in 2021.

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The Treasure

The Golden Owl made entirely of gold and silver with diamonds on it’s head stands 10 inches tall and has a wingspan of 20 inches weighing 33lbs (15kg).

It’s estimated value is between 150,000 and 500,000 Euros.

When Régis Hauser (Max Valentin) died in 2009 the prize owl found it’s way to Michel Becker for safe keeping until the bronze countermark replica owl is found.

The Golden Owl prize is currently on display at the Lingot D’Art museum in Rochefort, France

The Golden Owl Prize

© Michel Becker.

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The Clues

The Book ‘Sur La Trace De La Chouette D’or’ or On The Trail Of The Golden Owl contains 11 cryptic clues which are paired with 11 visuals painted by the artist Michel Becker. Solving the 11 clues is said to reveal a 12th and final “super clue” revealing the location of the owl.

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By solving the clue entitle ‘B’ it is possible to find what is believed to be the correct order of the clues by recognizing that the numbers assigned to clues are representative of wavelengths.

The following table shows the generally accepted translations and solutions to those clues.

Livre Sur La Trace de La Chouette d’Or – Les Cahiers Secrets

© Michel Becker.

While these solutions in the above table are what is generally accepted it is worth noting that there a hundreds of vastly different theories as to what the solutions to the clues could be with each a convincing argument for why it could be the correct solve.

Once the 11 clues are solved the 12th clue will need to be pieced together from some of the other 11 clues. When this 12th clue is solved it is said to reveal the location of the owl. The owl buried is a bronze replica of the golden owl with the golden owl currently held in the possession of the artist Michel Becker who now makes other similar armchair treasure hunts and released a follow up book for the golden owl in 2019 – ‘Livre Sur La Trace de La Chouette d’Or – Les Cahiers Secrets’

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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CodeBar Podcast

Join Robert, host of the CodeBar Live podcast and journey into the greatest treasure legends, armchair treasure hunts, codes, ciphers, puzzles, escape rooms, ARG’s, puzzle boxes & more!

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  • “There is only one truth, and it must be found. But the way is sometimes turntling and sowed with traps. Whose fault is it? Not mine! .. I repeat: Not mine!”

    – Max Valentin (Régis Hauser), 1993



A Travel Blog For Treasure Hunters

About Me

My name is Adam, I’m a treasure hunter, and there’s no two ways about it!

Ever since I was young, I’d always been fascinated with the idea of travelling off to far off exotic lands on exciting adventures.

Perhaps I’d been inspired by such characters as Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft or maybe this desire to explore the unknown was inherited, passed down through the generations from a distant ancestor who set sail to explore the “new world”.

With a background as a Private Investigator, and having been a Wilderness Guide combined with my passion for history and archaeology I discovered I had the perfect combination of skills, knowledge, and resources for treasure hunting.

I’d been an avid traveller for almost half my life and along the way I had learned of 100’s of treasure legends, this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase alone.

I built Areas Grey to share the stories of my adventures, connect with other treasure hunters, and put a little more adventure in the lives of others.

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“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.”

– T.E. Lawrence

My name is Adam, I’m a treasure hunter, and there’s no two ways about it!

Ever since I was young, I’d always been fascinated with the idea of travelling off to far off exotic lands on exciting adventures.

Perhaps I’d been inspired by such characters as Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft or maybe this desire to explore the unknown was inherited, passed down through the generations from a distant ancestor who set sail to explore the “new world”.

With a background as a Private Investigator, and having been a Wilderness Guide combined with my passion for history and archaeology I discovered I had the perfect combination of skills, knowledge, and resources for treasure hunting.

I’d been an avid traveller for almost half my life and along the way I had learned of 100’s of treasure legends, this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase alone.

I built Areas Grey to share the stories of my adventures, connect with other treasure hunters, and put a little more adventure in the lives of others.

 –      –   –   –   –   –       –   –   –   –   –   –   –   –   –   –   –      –      –       –   –   –   –   –  –   –  

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.”

– T.E. Lawrence

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Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, feedback, or even if you just want to say “Hi”!


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  • In honest work, the food is bad, the wages are low and the work is hard. In piracy, there is plenty of loot, it’s fun and easy and we are free and powerful. Who, when presented with this choice, would not choose piracy? The worst that can happen is you can be hanged. No, a merry life and a short one shall be my motto.

    – Bartholomew ‘Black ‘Bart’ Roberts, 1719

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