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PAITITI – Lost City Of Gold


The Lost City Of Gold


Incan legends tell of a lost city hidden in the remote rainforests of southeast Peru, northern Bolivia, or northwest Brazil where the hero Inkarri, after founding Q,ero and Cusco lived out the rest of his days in refuge.

For the invading Spanish it was a lost city of unimaginable wealth and riches which the spent years searching for, but has it ever been found?

Paititi as depicted in the video game Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 2018.

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The Legend

Atahuallpa, Inca XIIII From Berlin Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, Germany.

One of the most famous legends of the Inca is that of the Inkarri myth, who upon the death of the last Inca ruler, Atahualpa, he vowed to return one day and avenge the Inca ruler’s death. As the Inkarri legend has been passed on orally for many generations there are many versions of the legend that exist.

Some say that Inkarri was killed by the Spaniards, his body parts buried in several places around the Inca kingdom: His head in the Presidential Palace in Lima, his arms under the Waqaypata (Square of Tears) in Cuzco, and his legs in Ayacucho.

A more popular version of the myth tells of Inkarri’s retreat to Paititi where he sought refuge to live out the rest of his days.

When the invading Spanish conquistadors heard of this secret refuge they believed it to be full of gold, jewels, and other riches in unimaginable quantities, placing the legend of Paititi alongside other cities of gold such as the well-known city of El Dorado.

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The Clues

A missionary in the 1600’s named Andres Lopez presented a report to the Pope in Rome recounting the tales from the natives who had described a large city rich in gold, silver, and jewels located in the middle of the tropical jungle called Paititi and how a miracle had been performed by a group of baptized Indians with a crucifix at the court of the king of this great city.

Though Lopez’s account was largely third-hand information it was widely publicized inspiring many to go in search of this lost city of gold and riches.

Various other documents began appearing after this between the 16th and 18th centuries which would refer to Paititi and it’s possible locations. Often these documents were regarding expeditions taken in search of the lost city.

Perhaps the most informative of these reports were those of Juan Álvarez Maldonado in 1570, Gregorio Bolivar in 1676, Juan Recio de León between 1623 – 1627, Juan de Ojeda in 1676, and Diego de Eguiluz in 1696.

Portrait of the explorer, Juan Álvarez Maldonado.

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Previous Expeditions

Picture of the explorer Colonel John Nicholas Blashford-Snell.

Over the last 100 years alone there have been many expeditions attempted to located the lost city of Paititi.

1. Percy Harrison Fawcett searched in the area of Mato Grosso, Brasil

2. Hans Ertl searched in Bolivia

3. Carlos Neuenschwander Landa who searched in the Madre de Dios region of Cusco.

4. Bob Nichols, Serge Debru, and Georges Puel who searched the Rio Pantiacolla from Shintuya and never returned (confirmed dead)

5. Gregory Deyemenjian of The Explorers Club searched Mameria, Pusharo, Paratoari and others

6. Lars Hafskjold left from Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Peru into unexplored parts of Bolivia and never returned.

7. John Blashford-Snell discovered ruins in the jungle east of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia believed to be the same that Hans Ertl had discovered in 1955

8. Thierry Jamin investigated the site of Pantiacolla discovering Incan artefacts in the area.

9. Jacek Palkiewicz went in search of El Dorado (which he associated with Paititi) in the Peruvian Andes and Madre de Dios.

10. Gregory Deyemenjian and Mamani? Discovered significant Inca ruins along branches of the Inca Road of Stone at a peak known as Ultimo Punto in the northern part of Pantiacolla, Peru.

Picture of the French explorer, Thierry Jamin.

Picture of Josh Gates from Expedition Unknown in search of Paititi.

11. Thierry Jamin and Herbert Cartagena discovered and found and studied large geoglyphs in a valley nearby to the Pusharo petroglyphs in Manú, Peru which they claimed to be a map showing the location of Paititi.

12. Olly Steeds when in search of Paititi during the episode “Lost City of Gold” of Solving History with Olly Steeds.

13. Yuri Leveratto reached one of the Pyramids of Pantiacolla/Paratoari during his expeditions.

14. Kenneth Gawne, Lewis Knight, Ken Halfpenny, I. Gardiner, and Darwin Moscoso investigated the Pyramids of Paratoari as part of the documentary The Secret of the Incas.

15. Josh Gates went in search of Paititi in the City of Gold episode of Expedition Unknown.

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A hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Ari Siiriäinen and Dr. Martti Pärssinen, two researchers from the University of Helsinki in 2001 suggesting that Inca expeditions into the Amazonian jungle and Inca military presence in the region of Beni and the Madre de Dios Rivers were related to the Paititi legend. As such an expedition was carried out into the fortified site known as Las Piedras near Riberalta, Bolivia where they found fragments of imperial Inca ceramics.

2003 – 2007 Vera Tyuleneva suggested that “Paititi” was not a name of Peruvian origin and has taken expeditions with detailed written reports of her findings in northern Bolivia.

In 2007 large stone structures were found which resembled high walls covering an areas of 40,000 square meters. This structure is now known as the Manco Pata fortress. This fortress according to the local mayor could be part of the lost city of Paititi, although the Peruvian government’s National Institute of Culture (INC) has disputed this, claiming that the stone structures are formed from naturally occurring sandstone.

After conducting historical research, and comparing sites such as Vilcabamba, Peru and Mameria, an explorer by the name Andrew Nicol concluded that a remote jungle city or outpost such as the one described in the Paititi legends could theoretically exist within the Peruvian Amazon Basin in a region which is referred to as Antisuyu, one of the four regions of the Inca empire.

Picture of the Pusharo petroglyphs by Thierry Jamin.

Vincent Pélissier’s video on YouTube detailing their findings and discovery.

In 2016 Vincent Pélissier claimed to have found the lost city of Paititi in July 2015. Pélissier expands on prior research including that of Thierry Jamin particularly that of the petroglyphs at Pusharo located on the south shore of the Palatoa River which Thierry believed to be a map to Paititi.

Pélissier claims to have been hacked and burgled as a result of his research which he states as proof of having found the lost city of Paititi using Google Earth screenshots and hand-crafted overlays which highlight rivers, mountain ranges, and supposed Inca roads.

What do you believe?

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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  • “I want to rekindle that forgotten sense of curiosity that we all seem to lose when we enter adulthood. The thought of discovering some physical link to that part of our imagination we deem as unrealistic or impossible is motivation enough to reassure myself that perhaps something greater beyond all expectation still exists out there waiting to be found.”

    – Fernando S. Gallegos, 2016

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AMARO PARGO’S – Missing Treasure Chest


Missing Treasure Chest


One of the most renowned corsairs in Spain during the Golden Age of Piracy, Amaro Pargo was seen as the Spanish equivalent of Francis Drake, dominating the route between Cádiz and the Caribbean from 1701 to 1727 attacking ships belonging to enemies of Spain.

He lived a prosperous life, he died a very rich man on October 4th 1747 and was buried with a marble headstone engraved with the family shield, under the shield, a skull on cross bones, winking with its right eye.

In his last will and testament he wrote that he had left a box in his cabin containing precious jewels, gold, silver, pearls, satins and more. The entire box’s contents were itemised in a book wrapped in parchment and marked with the letter “D”. However, the book and the box have never been found.

Portrait of Amaro Pargo in the “Christ of Humility and Patience” canvas from the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Rosary.

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The Legend

San Cristóbal de La Laguna.

Born Rodriguez Felipe in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) on 3 May 1678 to Juan Rodriguez Felipe and Beatriz Tejera Machado, affluent property owners of San Cristóbal de La Laguna who lived in the Plaza de San Cristóbal in La Laguna, where Rodriguez Felipe would grow up before becoming Amaro Pargo.

In 1701 Rodriguez boarded a galley ship of the King of Spain named the Ave Maria, nicknamed La Chata as a second lieutenant. While on route between the Caribbean and Cadiz the ship was boarded by pirates. Amaro suggested to the captain that they stage a surrender deceiving the pirates and starting a battle which catches the pirates off-guard. The plan was a success and they emerged victorious from the battle. As a thanks, the captain gifted Amaro with his first ship with which he began his business activities as a trader and a corsair under a letter of marque from King Phillip V of Spain.

It is documented that Amaro Pargo Systematically attacked and looted enemy ships in his long 40 some year career in trading and as a corsair. His exploits were often rewarded by friendly captains and the kings of Spain. With his acumen for business as a merchant trader and his prevalent success at looting ships he was able to amass a massive amount of wealth which may well have made him the richest man in Tenerife. Some of those exploits for which he is known for are as follows:

In 1703 Amaro was captaining the Ave Maria y Las Ánimas, a frigate which was a part of the West Indies Fleet, a Spanish Treasure Fleet purposed for transporting a wide variety of goods including precious metals and gems from the America’s back to Spain.

Artwork of El Clavel.

Island of Tenerife.

In 1712 he captured an English Ship, the Saint Joseph. According to its captain, Alexander Westher, Amaro sacked the ship and seized its possessions.

By Royal Decree from Felipe V in 1719, Amaro was authorized to build a merchant ship of 58 guns in Campeche. In 1722 Amaro used the ship to approach and loot a Dutch ship, the Duyvelant before it became a part of the Navy in 1723.

In 1737 he was the owner of El Mercader de Canarias, a ship captained by John Plunket. He also had ownership shares with another merchant vessel of La Laguna, the Don Pedro Dujardin.

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The Treasure

After amassing a large fortune during his career Amaro Pargo had become one of the wealthiest people in the Canary Islands. Although he donated a large sum of his wealth to helping the people of Tenerife he still held a fortune and owned several properties and ships.

October 4th 1747 marked the passing of Amaro Pargo who died in his hometown of San Cristóbal de La Laguna on the island of Tenerife. According to records and documents regarding his funeral it was a “very solemn” event which captivated the entire community. During the process of transferring his body to the where he would be buried the funeral procession had to be stopped 8 times because of the crowds that had gathered in the streets to witness the event. When the procession finally reached its destination of the Santo Domingo de Guzmán Convent in La Laguna, Amaro was laid to rest in the family tomb where a large marble headstone was placed. The headstone was engraved with the family shield, and under it a skull winking with its right eye in front of two crossed bones.

La Siervita de Dios (Sister Mary of Jesus).

Papers of Amaro Pargo.

A hearing was held for the reading of Amaro Pargo’s will which he had written up before his passing. At the time of his death his estate was substantial and all was due to be divided up amongst the heirs. At this time Manuel de la Trinidad Rodríguez had arrived in La Laguna to demand his share of his fathers estate. However, as the illegitimate son of Amaro Pargo and Josefa María del Valdespino of Cuba, he was denied by the rest of the heirs of Amaro’s estate, rejecting his claims that he deserved any part of the estate.

During the reading of the will there was one item which could not be inherited by the heirs. An entry in the will by Amaro stated that a large carved chest was kept in his cabin containing silver, gold, pearls, jewellery, precious stones, chinese porcelain, paintings, silks and other rich fabrics all of which of great value and each itemized in a book wrapped in parchment and marked with the letter “D”. However, the book was nowhere to be found and the location of his cabin unknown. As such, the treasure chest went unclaimed and has never been found.

Main commercial routes of the Spanish Empire with the Indies (in red). Amaro Pargo used the route that crossed the Atlantic and went to the Caribbean.

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The Clues

Many treasure hunters have searched for Amaro Pargo’s lost treasure chest over the centuries since. Many speculate as to where or what his “cabin” may have been or what the “D” on the parchment may have signified.

Many who have hunted for the lost treasure of Amaro Pargo believed it to have been in his home in Machado, El Rosario which has been looted many times over the years with no success.

Casa de Amaro Pargo.

Drone Footage of Casa de Amaro Pargo.

Other treasure hunters believed the “cabin” to be a cave known as the Cave of San Mateo in the Punta del Hidalgo hills northeast of Tenerife, where it is believed Amaro Pargo and his crew used the cave to store their loot from their many ventures.

Despite all of the efforts over many years by countless treasure hunters, the treasure has never been found.

Map of the Canary Islands.

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The Tomb Of Amaro Pargo.

This treasure legend is one that is backed by evidence in the form of Amaro Pargo’s own will stating that it existed, it’s contents would make any treasure hunter who was able to find it very wealthy and given its elusive nature over the centuries they would certainly go down in the history books for finding the carved treasure chest of Amaro Pargo.

Unfortunately, there is very little information available that can help locate the treasure which is likely why the treasure chest has never been found. What we know is that there should be a book wrapped in parchment and a letter “D” written on it. What the “D” represents is unknown.

Perhaps this book contains the whereabouts of the treasure chest. While it is likely the book and its contents have been lost to time since Amaro Pargo’s death in 1747 we can still hold out a little hope that it may one day be found tucked away in a safe place and that it may tell us where we can find this legendary treasure or the “cabin” in which it is kept.

The Exhumation of the Tomb Of Amaro Pargo for the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag by Ubisoft.

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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  • “Of the names that were put on the table, the one of Amaro Pargo stood out above all because Amaro Pargo is a character who had the same reputation and popularity as Blackbeard or Francis Drake.”

    – Antonio Alonso, Brand Manager of UBISOFT Spain, 2013

Open post

The Secret: A Treasure Hunt


A Treasure Hunt


The Secret is a treasure hunt started by Byron Preiss in 1982. Twelve treasure boxes were buried at secret locations across North America. As of August 2020 only three of the twelve boxes have been found.

Each of the twelve boxes contains a casque which holds a key. Once retrieved the keys can be exchanged for a valuable stone. Collectively the stones are said to be worth approximately ten thousand dollars.

The Secret treasure book cover by Byron Preiss

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The Legend

The Secret: An Armchair Treasure Hunt tells a story of “Fair People”, enchanted mystical and fantastical creatures.

Inspired by the hit armchair treasure hunt book Masquerade which took the world by storm in 1979, Byron Preiss decided to create his own armchair treasure hunt with not one, but 12 prizes hidden across the United States and Canada.

The Secret: An Armchair Treasure Hunt was launched in 1982 complete with a story of fairies, goblins, and other strange creatures travelling to the New World with their treasures. These treasures were in the form of rare stones and gems which could be collected by the lucky person to solve any of the 12 puzzles and find a hidden key and casque.

The puzzles consist of 12 images and 12 poems. Each poem must be paired with the correct image to correctly solve the puzzle. In 1983 a group of friends in Chicago found the first of the treasures, an emerald worth more than $1,000.

Years went by before another casque was found in 2004 in Cleveland. Another key had been exchanged for a precious gem. In 2005 Byron Preiss died in an accident leaving the responsibility of the game and its prizes to his family. Another casque was then found in 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts.

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The Treasure

For each cask retrieved the finder is rewarded a valuable gem or stone in exchange for the key found. The book explains the following for the value of the treasures as well as some rules around the treasure hunt:

“The jewels collectively are worth over ten thousand dollars. The treasure casques themselves are of incalculable value, never having been owned by man or woman.”

“Every treasure casque is buried underground, at a depth of no more than three to three and one-half feet. The casques are protected by lustrous transparent boxes, and are sealed.”

“The following places do not hold any treasure:

– any life-threatening location, such as a dangerous highway embankment, a contaminated area or active railway track
– any cemetery
– any public or private flower bed
– any property owned by the contributors to the book, their families or friends.”

The Cask, Key, and Gems.

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The Clues

Inside the book there are twelve cryptic images and twelve verses as seen below in the order they appear in the book.



  • Image 1

  • Verse 1:

    Fortress north
    Cold as glass
    Friendship south
    Take your task
    To the number
    Nine eight two
    Through the wood
    No lion fears
    In the sky the water veers
    Small of scale
    Step across
    Perspective should not be lost
    In the center of four alike
    Small, split,
    Three winged and slight
    What we take to be
    Our strongest tower delight
    Falls gently
    In December night
    Looking back from treasure ground
    There’s the spout!
    A whistle sounds.

  • Image 1

  • Verse 1:

    Fortress north
    Cold as glass
    Friendship south
    Take your task
    To the number
    Nine eight two
    Through the wood
    No lion fears
    In the sky the water veers
    Small of scale
    Step across
    Perspective should not be lost
    In the center of four alike
    Small, split,
    Three winged and slight
    What we take to be
    Our strongest tower delight
    Falls gently
    In December night
    Looking back from treasure ground
    There’s the spout!
    A whistle sounds.

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A dozen paintings
Share the clues
Yet Fairy secrets
Come in twos
To sing a happy treasure song
To have a casque to you belong
Wed one picture
With one verse
For Fair Folk’s peace
Goodness first.

Since 1982 when the Treasure Hunt began only three treasure casques have been found as follows:

Image 5 was matched with Verse 12 revealing the treasures location as being Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois.

A casque was found in 1983, one year after the launch of the game by pairing image 5 and  verse 12 which revealed the outline of Illinois and some iconic landmarks around Chicago with an image of a bowman and reference to “L” leading the treasure hunters to Grant Park. It was two intersecting lines of trees that pinpointed the exact spot under a unique fence design which provided confirmation.

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A casque was found in 2004, over 20 years after the Chicago find. This time the treasure hunters connected verse 4 and image 4 to find Cleveland, Ohio by seeing the shape of Ohio’s rivers in the visual. The clues eventually leading to the Greek Cultural Gardens the visual depicts the exact area to dig for the hidden treasure.

Image 4 was matched with Verse 4 revealing the treasures location as being the Greek Cultural Garden, Cleveland, Ohio.

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In 2019 a third casque was found in Boston, Massachusetts and featured on a series finale of a television series: ‘Expedition Unknown’. In the episode they pair up verse 3 and image 11 and by following the clues find themselves at the North End Baseball Field.

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So, what about the other 9 treasures hidden across North America?

Below is a table of the generally accepted pairings of verses and images along with the cities the treasures are suspected to be buried.

Image No. Verse No. Status Likely Location
1 7 Unsolved San Francisco, California
2 6 Unsolved Charleston, South Carolina
3 11 Unsolved Roanoke Island, North Carolina
4 4 Solved Cleveland, Ohio
5 12 Solved Chicago, Illinois
6 9 Unsolved St. Augustine, Florida
7 2 Unsolved New Orleans, Louisiana
8 1 Unsolved Houston, Texas
9 5 Unsolved Montreal, Canada
10 8 Unsolved Milwaukee, Wisconsin
11 3 Solved Boston, Massachusetts
12 10 Unsolved New York, New York
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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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  • “The jewels collectively are worth over ten thousand dollars. The treasure casques themselves are of incalculable value, never having been owned by man or woman.”

    – Byron Preiss, 1982

Open post

The Thrill Of The Chase


Forrest Fenn’s Treasure


In 2010, Forrest Fenn an art dealer and author from Santa Fe, New Mexico hid a treasure chest full of gold and jewels in the Rocky Mountains estimated to be worth nearly 2 million dollars. The clues that were to lead the finder to the treasure were hidden within a poem found within his book: ‘The Thrill Of The Chase: A Memoir’

The chase ended on the 6th June 2020 when Forrest announced that the treasure had been found. Although the treasure has been found the solution to the poem and where the treasure was found still remain a mystery.

The Thrill Of The Chase by Forest Fenn

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The Legend

Forrest Fenn flew 328 combat missions in one year of service of the Vietnam War while he was a pilot in the United States Air Force.

Forrest Fenn flew 328 combat missions in one year of service of the Vietnam War while he was a pilot in the United States Air Force before retiring and starting a successful art gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico which grossed 6 million dollars a year.

In 1988, Fenn was diagnosed with cancer and given a prognosis that it was likely terminal. This inspired him to put together a treasure chest of gold, jewels, and other valuable items valued at over 2 million dollars which he would take into the Rocky Mountains to a secret location he would use for his final resting place.

When he recovered from the illness he decided to hide the treasure chest anyway, self-publishing The Thrill Of The Chase: A Memoir, a collection of short stories from his life. The book contained hints, a poem and a map to the chest’s location which if someone could correctly decipher would take claim to the treasure.

On June 6th, 2020, the treasure was found, 10 years after it had been hidden and 3 months before Fenn passed away on September 7th, 2020. In December 2020 it was revealed a man by the name of Jack Stuef had found the treasure. However, the location of the treasure has still not been specified. The chest and its contents have since gone up for auction and sold off by various parties.

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The Treasure

The 12th Century bronze chest featuring scenes of knights climbing ladders to get to maidens – a reference to Le Roman de la Rose’ “Castle of Love” was filled with items from Fenn’s antique collection.

The collection of antiques consisted of golden jewelry, jade carvings, gold coins, and more. Collectively the treasure was estimated to be worth between one and three million dollars.

The bronze chest filled with treasure. Photo credit: Forest Fenn

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The Clues

Forrest Fenn’s poem from ‘The Thrill of the Chase: A Memoir’ paired with a map of the Rocky Mountains demonstrates the vast scale of this treasure hunt.

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On the 6th of June 2020 the hunt for Fenn’s treasure was over with a post by Fenn to the Thrill of the Chase blog:

“It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains and had not moved from the spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago. I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot. I congratulate the thousands of people who participated in the search and hope they will continue to be drawn by the promise of other discoveries. So the search is over. Look for more information and photos in the coming days.”

This was followed by pictures of the treasure at the site of the location and of Fenn examining the contents of the treasure chest. As a final clue to those who still wanted to know where the treasure was found Fenn and the finder agreed to reveal that the treasure was found in the state of Wyoming.

Fenn shared this image of the treasure chest from when it was found.

Forrest Fenn examining the contents of the treasure chest.

Shortly after Forrest Fenn’s death the finder revealed himself to be a medical student named Jack Stuef from Michigan and his plans to sell the treasure at auction in the near future. Stuef also stated that he doesn’t intend to reveal the solution to the poem or the location of the treasure chests hiding place as means to preserve the area and prevent it from becoming trampled by tourists.

With the solve to the poem and the location the treasure was hidden still unknown to the general public there are those in the treasure hunting community who haven’t given up on trying to solve this treasure hunt.

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Written By

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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CodeBar Podcast

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  • “It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains and had not moved from the spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago.”

    – Forrest Fenn, 2020

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