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La Noche Triste – The Night of Sorrows


The Night Of Sorrows


In 1520 a Spanish Conquistador, Hernán Cortés led an army into the Mexican capital of Tenochtitlan where they took Moctezuma II (King of Hueyi Tlatoani of the Mexica) hostage. When the Aztecs attacked and Cortés learnt he was wanted by the Governor of Cuba for insubordination, he and his men made a plan to escape in the night to the coast taking as much gold and jewels with them as they could carry.

They were spotted by Eagle warriors and an onslaught ensued which became known as La Noche Triste or “The Night of Sorrows”. Due to the weight of the treasures, many of the soldiers drowned in the causeways. These treasures are said to now lay in the dried creeks and lakes that were once Lake Texcoco around Mexico city.

The Sad Night, a painting by an unknonwn artist from second half of the 17th Century.

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The Legend

Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador during the Spanish colonization of the Americas during the 1500’s had arrived in the interior of Mexico from Cuba against the orders of Velázquez, the Governor of Cuba whom he had a long history of disagreements and personal affairs. By doing this was a direct act of mutiny. Along his way to Tenochtitlán he fought and conquered many of the native settlements, converting them to Christianity. Amongst these natives was Mariana also known as La Malinche, who acting as Cortés’ translator (and future mistress) would contribute to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire.

Having entered this expedition without authority of Governor Velázquez of Cuba and with an act of mutiny an army of Spanish soldiers were descending on Cortés to apprehend him for his crimes. Catching word of this Cortés marched across the terrain towards the coast where he not only defeated the larger force of Spanish soldiers but successfully recruited a large number of them after telling them of the riches of Tenochititlan.

Hernán Cortés a portrait painting from the 18th century.

Image attributed to Miguel Gonzalez of Hernan Cortes scuttling his fleet off the Veracruz coast.

Cortés’ victory came at a price. During his absence from the Spanish compound the Aztecs had been sieged by other Spanish forces during the celebration of Toxcatl, an annual feast that occurred in May. This became known as The Massacre in the Great Temple which saw the slaughter of Aztec elites, nobles and priests, turning the Aztecs against the Spanish including Cortés.

In an attempt to settle the unrest Cortés ordered Moctezuma, the Aztec Tlatoan (King) who they had taken hostage previously to address his people and persuade them to stop the fighting. It is disputed what took place next, if it was the Aztecs who pelted Moctezuma with stones to death when he tried to address his people or if Moctezuma was executed by the Spanish.

The Tokugawa Shogunate saw many leaders or Shoguns throughout its 200 year reign over Japan which started with Tokugawa Leyasu in 1603…


# Name (Born – Died) Shogun From Shogun To
1 Tokugawa Ieyasu
1603 1605
2 Tokugawa Hidetada
1605 1623
3 Tokugawa Iemitsu
1623 1651
4 Tokugawa Ietsuna
1651 1680
5 Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
1680 1709
6 Tokugawa Ienobu
1709 1712
7 Tokugawa Ietsugu
1713 1716
8 Tokugawa Yoshimune
1716 1745
9 Tokugawa Ieshige
1745 1760
10 Tokugawa Ieharu
1760 1786
11 Tokugawa Ienari
1787 1837
12 Tokugawa Ieyoshi
1837 1853
13 Tokugawa Iesada
1853 1858
14 Tokugawa Iemochi
1858 1866
15 Tokugawa Yoshinobu
1866 1867


The Conquest of Tenochtitlán. Painting from the second half of the 17th century Representing the 1521 Fall of Tenochtitlan.

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The Treasure

With Moctezuma dead there was no way to settle the conflict, outnumbered and with dwindling supplies Cortés knew it was only a matter of time before they met their fate at the hands of the Aztec warriors. A plan was hatched in which messengers would be sent to meet with the Aztecs to request a ceasefire for one week to allow the Spaniards enough time to return any treasure and in exchange the Aztecs would let them leave the city peacefully. This of course was a misdirect as their real plan was to sneak out of the city at night carrying as much gold and other treasures as they could feasibly pack.

The only ways out of the city and over the causeways was by any of the 8 bridges. However, with 4 of the bridges damaged and those that weren’t heavily guarded by Aztec soldiers the Spaniards crafted a portable bridge to cross any span any sections of the water.

La Malinche and Hernán Cortés in the city of Xaltelolco, in a drawing from the late 16th-century codex History of Tlaxcala.

Tenochtitlan and islands in the Texcoco Lake by Hanns Prem.

The plan was enacted on the night of July 1st 1520, a night that would forever be known as The Night of Sorrows – La Noche Triste. Heading west out of the city while the habitants slept and under the cover of rainfall set out to reach the section of the causeway where they were led to believe would be unguarded. Along their journey to the causeway an unexpected patrol of Aztec Eagle Warriors spotted the Spaniards and raised the alarm alerting the other Aztec forces in the areas. Before they knew it their stealthy escape plan had failed and had now turned into a ferocious battle with no easy way out.

The Spaniards and allied natives fighting their way across the causeway whilst surrounded by hundreds of canoes would soon find that their greed would prove to be their unmaking as the sheer weight of it would prove too much in these conditions overburdening the soldiers and causing them to lose their footing and succumb to the treacherous waters below, taking their treasures with them.

Cortés and a few other soldiers who were on horseback managed to reach the other side of the causeway leaving those trailing behind to fend for themselves. Seeking refuge in the nearby village of Tacuba from where Cortés watched the badly wounded stragglers make their way in behind him.

Feeling his guilt from his cowardice he headed back with his horsemen to the causeway where he found Pedro de Alvardo, badly wounded. They gathered the survivors and heading north where they faced the battle of Otumba before proceeding to Tlaxcala where the siege of Tenochlhtlan initiated the end of the Aztec empire.

The Conquest of Tenochtitlán. Painting from the second half of the 17th century Representing the 1521 Fall of Tenochtitlan.

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The Clues

The emperor Moctezuma 1892. Irving, Washington; Robertson, W. M.; Davenport, Benjamin Rush

So, what happened to all that treasure? The number of casualties suffered is unclear with different sources claiming vastly different numbers. Cortés claimed that 154 Spaniards did during the expedition but Francisco López de Gómera claimed that that 450 soldiers and 4,000 allies were lost. Then, the Spanish Conquistador, Bernal Diaz del Castillo who participated in the Conquest of Mexico under Cortés claimed that as many as 860 soldiers had been killed during the expedition.

While the amount or value of the treasure lost to the causeway is unknown and highly disputed, taking the smallest number of losses claimed by Cortés and if each soldier and ally had been loaded with as much gold as they could carry and enough that they were unable to navigate the causeway then It’s easy to imagine that the sheer volume of treasure that could have been washed away or sunken into the bed of the causeway could be immense. But, is the legend real?

Over the years treasure hunters have focused on an alternative claim to what happened to the treasure, one that says the Spanish soldiers hid the gold in Texcoco Lake while fleeing the city with intentions of returning to it later. Many have pursued this version of the legend without success. Intermittently between 1912 and 1950 the lake was drained by the Mexican Government in search of the treasure but nothing was found.

Other treasure hunters have searched along the routes of the fleeing Spanish forces believing that the treasure would have been buried by the side of the route they took but again, nothing was found. With so many failed attempts to find the treasure many believe that the treasure is either somewhere else or it was found and returned by the Aztecs.

If the treasure had been hidden by the Spaniards during or after their escape then it is safe to say that when Cortés later returned to the area he would have reclaimed it, which he did not.

This is a map of the Valley of Mexico on the eve of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. It shows the major towns within the Valley, in particular, the island capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan. The map also shows the five lakes that once existed within the Valley, highlighted to differentiate the brackish from the fresh waters. It was compiled from several sources, most prominently those listed below.

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Massive Gold Bar Unearthed in Mexico Was Aztec Treasure Looted By Cortes.

In 1981 a massive gold bar weighing 4.25lbs was discovered by a construction worker who’d been digging the foundations for the construction of a central bank in Mexico City. Analysis on the bar revealed that it was likely from Tenochtitlán due to its composition being the same as other pieces recovered by the Templo Mayor Project. Due to this analysis the bar can be dated between 1519 & 1520 when Cortés would have been making his escape during La Noche Triste. It is therefore believed that this is just one piece of a massive amount of treasure that was looted when the Spaniards fled the city.

Because of this discovery at least a part of the route that Cortés took out of the city can be confirmed narrowing the search for the rest of the treasure. However as the waters surrounding Mexico City have long since dried up, finding the treasure may need some serious digging power and permissions from the city. So whether you’re living in Mexico or just visiting there, who knows, there could be a fortune under your very feet.

Reconstruction by Alfonso Caso (Los barrios antíguos de Tenochtitlán y Tlatelolco, Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de la Historia, 15, 1956) based on map by José de Alzate, 1789. The grey area in the center is the Colonial “traza”, i. e. area inhabited by the Spanish.

The discovery of the gold bar would lead many to believe that the treasure is there and just waiting to be found.

What do you think?

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Director of Areas Grey

Adam is an avid treasure hunter, seeker of adventure and the creator of Areas Grey. After travelling for almost half his life and cataloguing over 100 treasure legends along the way. He decided this was simply far too much treasure for one person to chase! As a result he created Areas Grey so he could share his stories, connect with other treasure hunters and put a little more adventure in the lives of the treasure hunting community.

Adam is a Private Investigator and former Wilderness Guide with a passion for history and archaeology. With the skills, knowledge and gear, Adam is always eager to go on the next fortune seeking adventure and connect with fellow treasure hunters along the way.

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